vrijdag, november 28, 2008
India's 9/11 >> Mumbai terror attacks

Also read: Mumbai attack aftermath detailed, Tweet by Tweet or check out Vinu's photostream

Moral Machines

“We don’t want to get to the point where we should have had this discussion 20 years ago,” said Colin Allen, a philosopher at Indiana University and a co-author of “Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right From Wrong,” published this month by Oxford University Press.
This might seem like a scary subject (probably because it is), but then again: how ethical do you think your average 18-year old is, after having lost several buddies? Check this out:
A 2006 survey by the surgeon general of the Army, found that fewer than half of soldiers and marines serving in Iraq said that noncombatants should be treated with dignity and respect, and 17 percent said all civilians should be treated as insurgents. More than one-third said torture was acceptable under some conditions, and fewer than half said they would report a colleague for unethical battlefield behavior
Maybe the question should be the other way around: Could we make robots as immoral as humans? An intriguing discussion, relevant however since technology develops so quickly. Personally I think we will get used to autonomous robots, just like we got used to airplanes and things like that. Of course there will always be flaws in the system. But how many flaws does the human system have?

..Nah, I'll take a robotic system over your average emotionally confused & insanely impatient human driver any day now.
maandag, november 24, 2008
Machine condenses water out of thin air

'The filtration system ensures your drinking water will be clean and free of toxins and bacteria - more pure than tap water or even spring water'
Read all about it here or check out the product here.
A few thoughts: I am excited because this could, eventually, help many people around the world. Let's imagine this thing will be ten times cheaper ten years from now, because, as much as I'd love to own a machine like this, come on... $1200 is too much and last but not least, people in the Western Hemisphere easily use 300-500 Liters of water a day and that is, OBVIOUSLY, way too much. So as good as this machine is, consciousness is better. So next time after you've leaked no more than half a cup of pee into the toilet, ask yourself: does this justify flushing 20 liters of water through the toilet? NO! Next time you do the dishes, plug the sink! And next time you...
...oh darn, am I going crazy again? I can't help it though. I am the grandson of a preacherman...
And the Internet keeps growing

...'Alfred Eisenstaedt snapped this in 1963, at the climax of Guignol's "Saint George and the Dragon" in the Tuileries Garden in Paris. Just as the dragon is slain, some children cry out in a combination of horror and delight, while others are taken aback in shock. Every child is consumed with emotion, masterfully captured by Eisenstaedt's camera'...I've been browsing around myself. The picture to the left was made in 1862 in Antietam, US. It shows Maj. Allan Pinkerton, US Pres. Abraham Lincoln & Gen. John A. McClernand, in front of a pitched tent on the battlefield while the Civil War is taking place..
Just go to Google images and type something like this: 1860s US Civil War source:life
Lucky for us information addicts, there's more; Inspired by ancient Alexandria's attempt to collect the world's knowledge, the EU launched its Europeana digital library, an online digest of Europe's cultural heritage, last Thursday.
'The prototype launched Thursday contains around two million digital items, all of them already in the public domain. By 2010, the date when Europeana is due to be fully operational, the aim is to have 10 million works available, an impressive number yet a mere drop in the ocean compared to the 2.5 billion books in Europe's more common libraries. The process of digitalisation is a massive undertaking [Jarno says: Duuuh]' - check out the article here.
HaHaHa update: 'The Europeana site is temporarily not accessible due to overwhelming interest after its launch (10 million hits per hour). We are doing our utmost to reopen Europeana in a more robust version as soon as possible. We will be back by mid-December' >> typical... :)
Atoms in motion
May 5, 1880. A reporter from the San Francisco Call nearly went nuts when seeing Eadweard Muybridge's latest invention: the zoopraxiscope (watch video above).
'After two years deconstructing the movement of animals with his pioneering freeze-frame photographic sequences, he was now able to reconstruct that motion to make a life-size horse trot across a big screen' - [read more here]
Back then it was amazing to see 'real life'-motion on a screen. I mean, wow, what's next. Well, better screens, and color, and higher-definition and faster motion etcetera. The ability to capture nature's movement on a screen, that's what it is all about. But since many things in nature are much smaller than the eye can meet, mankind came up with microscopes. So we can zoom in, and see what's going on. Up to now however, we haven't been able to build a microscope powerful enough to capture the movements of individual atoms...
And there we go: Now Ahmed Zewail, a chemist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, has developed a way to do just that. Zewail's research team can generate movies showing the picosecond (millionths of a millionth of a second) motion of atoms.
John Thomas, at the University of Cambridge, UK, recently described it as a "revolutionary" advance that will change physics, biology, and material science. Check out the article here.
maandag, november 17, 2008
Further blurring of reality and fiction...
Thank you Stanford University and goodmorning planet Earth. My brother likes making home videos. He's just been to Cameroon for a month and so I am eagerly awaiting his latest compilation. The fun part of course, video-editing gets easier and easier over time. I've personally always thought that by 2015 we would be making our own movies at home (I mean, with special effects and all that). Well, Stanford University researchers have now brought that day a little closer by developing software that allows anyone to insert a video or still photo on almost any planar surface in an existing video and it's called '3D Surface Tracker Technology'. A mouthful I know, just watch the video above or read all about it here.
woensdag, november 12, 2008
I knew it! I knew it! Evolution turns out not to be random.

I've always been intrigued by technology but by late 2004 I 'virtually ran into' this website. It's called Acceleration Watch. Acceleration Watch is an educational affiliate of the Acceleration Studies Foundation (ASF). The foundation's focus revolves around helping to understand and manage accelerating technological change. This is important because, as the term acceleration implies, things go faster and faster! And for us 'poor' humans that will mean it will get harder and harder to understand the world around us and this doesn't make decision-making easier (links to a Dutch article)...
...just have a look at the articles I've posted here the past 30 days. I can hardly believe my own stories... I mean ... erasing memories? A 0,05 mm screen? Robots that hunt down humans and Mr. Green Genes - the glow-in-the-dark cat! ...

Anyway, the Acceleration Studies Foundation was founded by John Smart, a 'developmental systems theorist', who's specifically intrigued by the implications of a hypothesis known in futurist circles as the technological singularity (see powerpoint slides above or download the entire presentation and once again: Thank you very much John). The idea is this: not only do things seem to accelerate, it all seems to move towards 'one point'. It's like spinning the wheel in a casino. Round and round the ball goes until it spins faster and faster in smaller circles. The location of the ball is completely random in the sense that I cannot predict where it will be after say, 3 seconds of spinning. What we CAN predict however, is where it will ultimately be - at the bottom (whatever the number). In the PowerPoint slide above (the Developmental Spiral) you can see how human development over time seems to follow 'that ball analogy'. Faster and faster, shorter and shorter, until we 'hit the bottom' (whatever specifically that will mean).
No we are not there yet, but we are definitely getting closer :) It seems this accelerating development curve/curse does not only apply to humans. Ever since this planet came into being 4.5 billion years ago things seem to have developed exponentially. Single cell organisms, multi-cell organisms etcetera etcetera. And now we are here.
Finally, my point: all the above cannot be true if evolution is purely random (or to put it differently: if evolution would be purely random, how come everything on this planet is getting more and more complex over time?). Since there is so much scientific evidence out there to back up this 'all encompassing notion of acceleration', apart from 'its randomness', evolution MUST also have 'some sense of direction'. Darwin is right, for half. You cannot specifically predict what species will evolve and disappear (Darwin was right about this), but just like that ball in the casino, it IS all going in one direction, towards ONE point (something Darwin didn't think of).
What a story. Halleluja, but Why, Jarno, why? Because this morning I ran into this article. Scientists of Princeton University have discovered that chains of proteins found in most living organisms act like adaptive machines, possessing the ability to control their own evolution. It turns out evolution is NOT RANDOM.
"The discovery answers an age-old question that has puzzled biologists since the time of Darwin: How can organisms be so exquisitely complex, if evolution is completely random, operating like a 'blind watchmaker'?" said Chakrabarti, an associate research scholar in the Department of Chemistry at Princeton. "Our new theory extends Darwin's model, demonstrating how organisms can subtly direct aspects of their own evolution to create order out of randomness."
"What we have found is that certain kinds of biological structures exist that are able to steer the process of evolution toward improved fitness. The data just jumps off the page and implies we all have this wonderful piece of machinery inside that's responding optimally to evolutionary pressure."
"Biological change is always driven by random mutation and selection, but at certain pivotal junctures in evolutionary history, such random processes can create structures capable of steering subsequent evolution toward greater sophistication and complexity."
Ha! I knew it! I knew it!
dinsdag, november 11, 2008
Message to my dad: Check out this walking device! ;)
It looks a little funny to say the least, but according to Honda, this (see video above) wearable walking device is as easy to use as a bicycle.
"It reduces stress, and you should feel less tired. To wear it, you put the seat between your legs, put on the shoes and push the on button. Then just start walking around. The system has a computer, motor, gears, battery and sensors embedded in it so it responds to a person's movements" - read all about it here.
Earlier this year the Japanese company Cyberdyne started renting out its exoskeleton for $1000 a month. That's cool because of two reasons. One: things are getting real. Now you can rent 'm, soon you can buy 'm. Two: is this company really called Cyberdyne? Does anyone remember Terminator II? ... 'Cyberdyne Systems Model One O One. Negative, the T One Thousand will definitely try to re-acquire us there' ... Reality starts feeling more and more like a movie everyday...
And the plot thickens >> more holograms
"While flat electronic displays represent a majority of user experiences, it is important to realize that flat surfaces represent only a small portion of our physical world," the team explains on its Web site. "Our real world is made of objects, in all their three-dimensional glory. The next generation of displays will begin to represent the physical world around us, but this progression will not succeed unless it is completely invisible to the user: no special glasses, no fuzzy pictures, and no small viewing zones."
Cool :)
vrijdag, november 07, 2008
From CNN Holograms to quantum ghost imaging

If that's not crazy enough for you, what about this: The US army is 'pushing X-files tech development'. Example >> they are busy creating what they call self-aware virtual photorealistic soldiers that can be deployed in the battlefield through "quantum ghost imaging".
Uhm, come again? Well, just check out the picture below and then read the sentence again...

That's right. Imagine, poor suicide-bombers. Whoops, no virgins for you, you just 'blew up' a hologram. It's just not fair is it? You get filmed by robotic cameras, bombed by drones and when you finally find a real human being to get back at, he's not real. Yes yes, the Matrix is coming..
And no I'm not joking, This stuff is for real. They are working really hard on these virtual soldiers.
'We want to use massively multi-player online games as an experimental laboratory to see if they’re good enough to convince humans that they’re actually human, that can think on their own, have emotions and talk in local slang' - Dr. John Parmentola—Director of Research and Laboratory Management
Since I am Jarno it's quite easy to get me excited. I tend to think more often than not, that things go faster than expected. The statement above however, even to me, is a bold one. Because we're essentially talking full-blown artificial intelligence here. I wrote an article about that, two weeks ago, very extensive, in which I explain that I don't even believe anyone will be able to 'build' such a system by 2030 (there's a bet out there between two scientists that the Turing Test - the test for artificial intelligence - will be passed by 2029).
And that's just one part of the idea. Once the programs have been 'perfected' they want to deploy them (as you can see in the picture above, except for the fact that they won't look blue but real) by means of a technique called 'quantum ghost imaging' (pairing photons that do no reflect or bounce off an object, but off other photons >> I have no idea what that means).
Creating Artificial Intelligence and perfect holograms. And that's just ONE project. Several other projects they are CURRENTLY working on:
- Erasing bad memories
- Devices that will translate one soldier's thoughts into electrical signals that can be beamed to other soldiers
- Regenerating body parts on "nano-scaffolding"
Obama promises new era of scientific innovation

As The New Scientist puts it 'Whether or not Obama's scientific motives are to improve the world we live in, or to play science and technology catch-up with the other leading nations, the new US president has certainly been making the right noises for those that value science and technology. Now we have to wait and see if he can deliver'. So let's do that...
donderdag, november 06, 2008
And now for something completely different >> ByeByeBush & Enter Barack. Thank you America!!!

November 04, 2008, Barack has landed and history is made (can't help it, my brains calm down when rhyming). And to all those who are sick of the hype: Of course, I understand the world's not gonna change overnight because of this. I don't even think it's gonna change at all. I mean seriously: Change the world? What exactly does that mean? Because, you know, the world consists of 6.5 to 7 billion people and Maslov already explained what we want (hierarchy of needs). So, fundamentally indeed, nothing will change. A little inspiration & positivity however, doesn't hurt. That's one. Two: The ability to take wise decisions depends on clarity of mind and experience. The former being much more important than the latter. Hence Obama.

By the way: he's the first black president of the United States of America.
Another by the way: George Bush was the dumbest president ever.
Therefore: I am SOOO HAPPY! Welcome to the 21st century. congratulations Barack and Michelle, welcome to the future.
Watch the full video (in three parts) of his Chicago Victory Speech >>
Part I
Part 2
Part 3
zondag, november 02, 2008
Programmable matter: A roadmap to the Star Trek replicator

And instead of explaining myself, I'm gonna park this article, shut down the computer and cook.
See ya later and to be continued...
zaterdag, november 01, 2008
TankPitstop - the first refuelling robot for passenger cars

Anyway, how does it work?
'The customer’s car gets a radio frequency identification chip hidden in a sticker on the inside of the windshield; this chip contains all the necessary information. The TankPitstop database has all the data: which fuel the car requires, where the filler cap is, the correct angle of the nozzle when fuelling, the amount of fuel required, etc.'
Read all about it here or Watch this video.
Samsung unveils 0,05mm 'flapping' screen

Here are the specs:
Diagonal - 4 inch
Resolution - 480*272 pixels
Contrast ratio - 100.000 to 1
I used to dream about the future. No, wait, correction. I always dream about the future, but when I used to do that as a kid, I was thinking screens everywhere. Today I live in that world. Eating a hamburger at McDonalds is hardly possible without watching MTV these days. And that's when you're lucky. Yesterday I was in this typical Dutch 'Belgian fries'-place. While waiting for my fries, this quiz passed by on this screen, about Brad Pitt. 'Did you know that .... Brad Pitt was born in 1963?'... No and I DO NOT care! What the hell! How does that make anybody happier?! Of course, that's a dumb question. I'm just getting old. Anyway. If I feel there are too many screens around nowadays, imagine what will happen 10 years from now, when screens become like wallpaper?!
Animatronics getting crazier
Ever heard of the phenomenon known as the "uncanny valley"? No? It refers to this >> If a robot is clearly a robot - you know, with clunky metal limbs & stuff (like this Dutch robot) - people are rarely troubled by it. But pass a certain threshold in realism, such as giving it skin or a human-like voice, and things start getting eerie. Kinda like the feeling you get when watching the video above. This particular animatronic face was produced at the University of Bristol, UK, by US roboticist David Hanson.
Read all about it here.