woensdag, augustus 03, 2005
After typing the words surreal and purple in Flickr Photo Search I got some interesting search results. One of them is the picture to the left. It came from A Blog's Eye View of Sydney. the picture was taken at Yarramalong Valley, a picturesque spot an hour north of Sydney during foggy weather.
The moral of this story? Well: some guy in Australia decides to take a road-trip and then happens to catch this purple sunset scene on camera. Thru the fog it looks so purple that it's almost surreal. And then there's this bored guy, 20.000 km away from the roadtrip-guy, in a country called Holland. He has absolutely nothing to do and therefore he decides to look for purple surreal pictures on the Web. And then he ends up looking at the picture of the roadtrip-guy. The Internet is just amazing! We must never forget how insane this is! Imagine 10-15 years ago. If I had wanted to find a purple surreal picture taken by an an Australian dude, wow, that would have taken quite some effort. So I am amazed and intrigued that all this is possible. Just so you know :)
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