Streamload - freedom for your digital lifestyle

And if you know how to read the wonderful Dutch language, then here's the source..
They cooperate with the Russian space agency Energiya, they're gonna fly in the Soyuz, it's gonna cost 100 million dollar per trip, 2 people @a time and eventually, of course, they want to put people on the moon.
I don't think there's much left to say, other then, I really hope I can afford a space- or moontrip, let's say, 30 years from now; so really rich people: Go and invest and invest and invest!!! So that the 'simple people' like me can afford this in the near/midterm future!
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By the way, which reminds me! Did you know the Japanese wanna have a true robot moonbase by 2025?! Complete with "robot satellites" (they service, repair and refuel other satellites) and all. Advanced versions of Qrio and Asimo would be walking around there. Nice! Then all we need to do is make sure that that crazy dude that's running Virgin Galactic has our moonhotels ready. Something like a dome like Eden would be nice virgin-dude :) complete with nice-looking female android hostesses and all. In this garden of Eden-type dome we obviously would have a bar to go to, but we'd call it the Spacebar and let the Dutch run it (so as to make sure it would REALLY BE a Spacebar :), take that, a female android and the view and Wow, you'd have yourself a hell of a vacation man!! But I guess I personally don't need space, I seem to be trippin anyways! And so far for our weekly Irrelevant Information Show! Have yourself a nice one and remember! Be well and be efficient, my fellow Earthbots :)
Jarno says bye.
Well Chuck, let me tell you that I find this truly interesting! This apparent 'urge' that many of us seem to have to write about our interests, ourselves, to show the world with imagery and videos, to share all that makes 'me'. It seems to be in our nature to wanna communicate, explore & understand and then store Information. That's also why I liked the specific arrangement of the following 5 words :) 'Blogosphere as a living organism', Because I truly believe that that's what we're doing: creating a worldwide metallic/silicon 'autonomously operating' organism (like pieces of a grant puzzle: blogging/videologging/omnipresence of access to the web/chip-size being reduced to dust >> omnipresence of chips [in products/food/medicine/our own body] /step by step creation of 'virtual personalities' [avatars/verbots/game personalities/'autonomously operating' blocks of software]/robotics/'smart materials' and Nano-tech in general/genetics=software)
That's why this is my personal ideal: to have a house in the mountains/forest with an amazing view and nothing much in the house but 'the connection'. More and more of what we are doing on a daily basis, seems to be lying in or near the realm of the virtual. The Internet like quicksand. As if the virtual world is slowely but surely covering our beings.
Statement I found @ this blog, nicely reflecting the urge to express oneself: 'This VideoBlog will be updated everyday of 2005 with a video. It'll kill me. But what the hell. So Check back daily!'.
Blablablabla and so it goes on & on, enough now Jarno, down boy!